5 Reasons Your Restaurant Needs Social

Catherine Bell
3 min readMay 19, 2021


Social sells and you need bookings

Photo by Samfotograffo from Pexels

At the time of writing this post #food has been used over 445 million times on instagram. That’s 445 million people talking about food, taking pictures of food and sharing the experience of food.

People love using social media to talk about food. So should you.

By taking control of your social media, you control the narrative. You control the message, and so you control your brand and reputation.

Without further ado, here are 5 excellent reasons why you should take control today and use social media to maximise your bookings and get bums on seats!

1. You can use your social media channels as a virtual shop window

Nothing gets a hungry person salivating like a glistening image of a mouthwatering burger.

Strong photography will reach right into your potential customers’ souls and have them dreaming about your food for days before their booking.

Imagery is a powerful tool, and we live in a world that is saturated by imagery. Customers today are hungry for information, especially when making decisions around their purchases. Social media allows you to give a sneak preview of the fantastic meal they’re about to have before they even reach your restaurant.

2. You can target specific audiences

Facebook Ads allows you to target very specific audiences across both Facebook and Instagram.

You can tap into audiences in the local vicinity such as foodies planning a visiting your town, local office workers, or those attending events nearby.

The huge volume of user data that Facebook collects can be used to your advantage. Choose your audience correctly and you’re speaking directly to a captive audience.

Targeting also allows you to tailor your copy and content to specific demographics meaning the right message reaches the right people.

3. You can easily keep customers up to date

Social media is as much about gaining new customers as it is about retaining old ones.

A strong social media presence can create lasting relationships with customers.

You can confirm their belief that last Wednesday the restaurant did indeed have a fantastic atmosphere, or you can let them know about some exciting new menu items that are just around the corner.

However you choose to build a relationship with your customers on social media, you can be sure that their trust and belief in your brand, will result in loyalty and more repeat visits!

Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

4. It enables two-way communication between you and your customer

Social media allows you to open a conversation with your customers.

It provides the perfect space for you to show gratitude for their custom, to respond to reviews, and in the event of a bad experience, an opportunity to jump on a chance to win back their custom.

Whether responding to positive or negative experiences, speaking to your customers allows you to build brand loyalty.

And, last but not least…

5. Social Media is an inexpensive way to advertise

You don’t have to use paid advertisements on social media. With strong, visually engaging content and catchy copy, you can grow your social presence organically.

You can also use hashtags and location tagging to capture the interest of people nearby.

Once you are in control of your social media channels, you become the master storyteller. You select the information that you want your customers to hear, and what images you want them to see .

By creating memorable social media presence for your restaurant you will intrigue customers and have them clicking “book now” in a matter of moment — so make sure to capture all your good angles when creating your content!



Catherine Bell

Irish native. Current student teacher with a past passion for marketing and PR. Once upon a time actor/theatre maker. Continuous lover of creative pursuits.